Saturday 25 May 2013


Well today I went shopping to get some new cloths as I have lost weigh and I am really proud of my self! I still have about a stone to lose but I'm getting their. Today I have had a really fat day so tomorrow I really need to get my dite back on track!
Love Phoebe xxxz

Friday 24 May 2013


Sitting watching tonight with my mother, sitting in tears watching this about Tia Sharp and how her step grandad killed her! Honest to god people that hurt children should rot in jail. People that say child killers, rapist and people like the men that killed the soldier on Tuseday should be put to death, all I have to say to this is that's the easy way out, not having to face up to what they did, and leaving every one else to pick up the pieces!

Wednesday 22 May 2013

welcome back

It has been months since I talked hear, how have you all been? Lately I have been having a bit of a hard time, life just seams to be getting me down all the time! I have been falling out with friends and family, I just feel so alone all the time, I know what your going to say, I'm just a teenager, it's just your hormones but it's got to be something more than that honestly it is! It's not jus hormones that are making me feel this shit!

Have a good time, smile and be happy
Love Phoebe xx