Tuesday 31 July 2012

Late! Ill x

Late!!! I know its now already the 1st of August! Sorry, but i have been ill all day and have only been the house to go to the doctors! Firstly i woke up with a really bad head and a runny nose, i just wanted to stay in bed all day. But i got up and went to the doctors and got some medication. Not really done much more.

Days till school: 36!

Phoebe xxx

Monday 30 July 2012

Lauren Ill!!

Well do day i waved bey bey to my big sister how is going away with NCS, to high barrens for a week! This may seam like nothing to some people but its amazing for my sister because she has been bullied all her life and is scared of social meting and to go away with 30 strangers, that's a big thing! So well done Lauren! x
Also my friend Hannah was meant to be coming over today and sleeping tonight but as im ill still she could not! A have sneesed all day and my eyes have been watering and i can not breach i hate being ill

Days till school starts: 37!

Phoebe xx

Sunday 29 July 2012

Olympic football! St John Ambulance

Today i went to see the Olympic football at st James park! I got free tickets for being at st johns member. I did not think i would like the football that much but it was so much fun! I sat with Chloe, i though it would be crap but it was supper fun!

Days till school starts: 38!!
Phoebe xxxx

Saturday 28 July 2012

Ill Phone Shopping Smoking

Well today i work up with a pounding head and bad chest. Cry! When i finaly got you my mam made me eggy bread and then we went to pick up the weel from the garege. After that we went schopping and lauren got a new phone evin though my mam wanted the new one, just because laurens a baby and went in the huff! Then we went food shopping and ended up getting more school stuf.
Tonight im sleeping at my nannas with abbie. We where outside and she though she was cool smoking throung a straw! Ahaaaaa so much fun. Im going in the shower then to ben.

Days till school starts:39
Phoebe xxx

Friday 27 July 2012

Beach Car and School Clothes

Today i have been to the beach with my family and my little brothers friend and the dog. It was lovely the sun was shining and the water was really blue! But then the car broke down and we had to get my granddad and nanna out to fix the car. We ended up straying at the beach for 3 hours. After the beach we went and got school uniform, i know it supper early and i still have 5 weeks off but last year we waited till the last minuet to get them and they had sold out so we had to wait it till the day before school started to get it!
So new i have my: School tops, school pans, school bag, tights and some pens. I still need a new school skirt and that it.
Im going to start a count down till school starts. So it 40 days till we go back to school including weekends.
Phoebe xx

Thursday 26 July 2012

Police and St Johns

Well to day was very eventful! First of all i was walking down the street pushing my little sister in the pram when i saw two men arguing. Then the older man about 40 odd dragged this teenage boy into the house. So i ran down to my nanna's house and got her to phone the police as i was very scared for the teen safety. The police came and asked me some questions and it turned out the men had been high and they had a bad turn. Then i went to St Johns where we played games and did drill.
Phoebe xx

Wednesday 25 July 2012

Brothers friends and more shopping!

4th day of summer now and i really do lead a boring life! Guess what i have done to day??
That's right i have been shopping ageing! But this time i have actually spent my own money, not on me but on frankie. I got her the sweetest dress ever! It so cute! My brother has his friend staying to night and Lauren has got to our nannas to sleep! Very jealous as i have to stay her with 3 young boys! They are up a height. Not fun!
Love Phoebe xxx

Frankie's new dress! P.S. My brothers bed sheets not mine! 

Tuesday 24 July 2012

Gym and shopping

Today i spent half the day at my nannas with my lovely cosine abbie after going for the gym because i want a flat tummy for going back to school with! At first i thought i would hate the gym but i really love it, working out to music is so fun. Then spent the other half off the day shopping and spending my mams money! I got a new pair of shorts. But i needed them because i'm going away with my St.John Ambulance group from the 17th of August till the 20th, so there will be no blog post for those 3 day's. Sorry!
Phoebe xx

Monday 23 July 2012


Today me and my mam and my little brother and sister went shopping to and i got new clothes i got a yellow dress and 3 tops! My mam got a pair of jeans and a top. Frankie got a new dress with matching hat, so cute! Big thanks you to my mam how has spent loads on us the past few days! Love you

Sunday 22 July 2012


Well to day is the second day of summer. It really dose not feel like the summer holidays! 
Right well today me and my mam got a new swimwear and went swimming with my little sister little brother and big sister, Frankie got a rubber ring and we splashed in the pool. The take away tonight and a night in with the family! Love xxxx

Saturday 21 July 2012

First day ! Summer Project

Right well its the first day of summer and this is my summer project to post every day till school start on the 5th of September. Well today has been eventful got my nose pieced as my mam did not want me to get my septum done and also had a fab time at Newcastle Pride. So much fun! I was there to support my older sister Lauren and its the most fun i have had in ages. Every one was so loving and understanding.
Was your day ok??

Love Phoebe xxx